Free Public Labs/Scenarios

Data Leakage

Investigate a cybersecurity breach at an insurance company

Polkit exploit

demonstrates how to exploit the recently discovered linux vulnerability, Polkit

Discover PHP Bug

discover the vulnerabilities by reviewing the PHP source code

What We can Offer for you

Cyber Labs

A massive of hacking labs, simulating latest vulnerabilities and security misconfigurations

Cyber Trainers

Are you training provider? Build your course and prepare all related resources including machines, files, exercises and questions easily.

Cyber Evaluation

keep your organizations ready and secure by evaluate career applicants or even preparing employees for cyber attacks & incidents

Subscription Prices


Labs only

Limited access to free labs.


Unlimited Access

Unlimited access to all public contents on the cyber task.


Lab Builder

Build your own labs, create custom machines, and manage users


Deployed Machines


Playtime Hours


Platform Members


From Countries

Services Included

24/7/365 Support

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

99.9% Uptime

General FAQ

Cyber task is a clouding platform dedicated to build, host and manage security labs, trainings, courses and its related resources such as virtual machines (We support most Windows & Linux versions ), contents, files, and exercises.
As a trainer, cyber task is your home to assemble all your valuable dispersed courses or labs.

With cyber task, you can build your own course / lab with full privilege to modify content, prepare machines and upload files.
Once you are ready, you can publish the lab, send invitation letter with custom message to your audiences / users to start and solve tasks.

  • Each active user will get a copy of lab machine
  • You can monitor all invited/registered users and their machines.
  • You can set a quota hours to destroy the machine and limit usage
  • You can check users scores and solved tasks.
  • A leaderboard to show top scores and trophy.
  • You may create as many machines / servers as you request and link them in one private network.

Yes sure, you can build fully customized lab with fully customized Operating System (We support both windows & linux)
Once your lab is ready, just invite your audiences to access and start the lab with less than few clicks.

Cyber Task support All windows (from Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2019) and most Linux versions including (Ubuntu, Centos, RedHat, Debian, SUSE).
Not only that, we support all customised VMs in Azure. So if you don't find your os in list, just contact us, we will bring it for you. For example:

  • AI + Machine Learning
  • Blockchain
  • Compute
  • Containers
  • Databases
  • Developer Tools
  • Internet of Things
  • IT & Management Tools
  • Monitoring & Diagnostics
  • Networking
  • Security
  • Storage
  • Web
Refer to Microsoft Azure for more details:

Cyber Task will organize your daily work on trainings. We host everything for you, starting from your course contents, related files, and the virtual machine you created for that course.
Prepare your course content for one time, use it for hundreds times, and you may easily deliver it online without attendance need.

If that you case, we highly recommend you to use Cyber Task.
We will prepare for you an exercise or practical test with questions to simulate your company environment such as web servers, databases, applications, ...etc
Practically, you are looking for applicants who get higher scores.
Cyber Task will give you a detailed scoring information including strengths and weaknesses of each applicant.

All our security guys with more than 10 years of experience in cyber security space including security training delivery, network security, web security, incident response, database security, SOC & CERT establishing, and secure coding ...etc.
We will work with you step by step to build the desired materials. we can suggest topics for you or customize our ready made labs.
We will support you from day 1 to last point.
Delivering high quality materials /classes is the first tick in cyber task principles